Good morning children!!
Do you remember the rap that we sang last year?

Matter is everywhere
You can find a solid,
a liquid, or a gas
in the air
Do you remember the rap that we sang last year?

Matter is everywhere
You can find a solid,
a liquid, or a gas
in the air
This week we are going to work on the 3 states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.
Now we are going to see two videos of the three states of matter.
Once you have watched the videos, open the electronic resources ( and read pages 56 and 57 while you are listening to the audio.
- Write a list of al the things that use water, for example having a shower and washing the dishes. Write at least 8 things. Do it in the English notebook.
(Escribe una lista de todas las cosas que usan agua, por ejemplo, ducharse y lavar los platos. Escribe mínimo 8 cosas. Hazlo en la libreta de Inglés.)
Si no sabes las palabras de vocabulario en inglés, búscalas en un diccionario, si tienes en casa, o en Internet:
Have a good day!
Take care!
Teacher Carmen
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